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    Drug registration

    The service covers clinical studies of Phase I-IV drugs. The Medical Ruida clinical team has extensive clinical development experience, a large part of which is an international multi-center and registered clinical trial project in respiratory, digestive, tumor, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin, There are rich research experiences in more than 20 fields such as nutrition. Our auditors cover 100% of drug clinical trial facilities, distributed in more than 20 provinces and municipalities across the country, to provide you with convenient, high-quality project management and audit services.

    1. Project Management - Develop and implement a project management plan and risk management plan - Develop and implement a project's budget management plan - Assist clients in completing center screening, researcher selection, and patient recruitment as quickly as possible - regular researcher meeting organization and Held

    2. Auditing - In the course of clinical monitoring business, strictly carry out all audit-related work such as customer or our company's SOP - case report form verification, original data verification and data challenge form resolution - center screening, start-up, routine and


    clinical experiments

    The service covers clinical studies of Phase I-IV drugs. The Medical Ruida clinical team has extensive clinical development experience, a large part of which is an international multi-center and registered clinical trial project in respiratory, digestive, tumor, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin, There are rich research experiences in more than 20 fields such as nutrition. Our auditors cover 100% of drug clinical trial facilities, distributed in more than 20 provinces and municipalities across the country, to provide you with convenient, high-quality project management and audit services.

    1. Project Management - Develop and implement a project management plan and risk management plan - Develop and implement a project's budget management plan - Assist clients in completing center screening, researcher selection, and patient recruitment as quickly as possible - regular researcher meeting organization and Held

    2. Auditing - In the course of clinical monitoring business, strictly carry out all audit-related work such as customer or our company's SOP - case report form verification, original data verification and data challenge form resolution - center screening, start-up, routine and


    medical instruments

    The service covers clinical studies of Phase I-IV drugs. The Medical Ruida clinical team has extensive clinical development experience, a large part of which is an international multi-center and registered clinical trial project in respiratory, digestive, tumor, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin, There are rich research experiences in more than 20 fields such as nutrition. Our auditors cover 100% of drug clinical trial facilities, distributed in more than 20 provinces and municipalities across the country, to provide you with convenient, high-quality project management and audit services.

    1. Project Management - Develop and implement a project management plan and risk management plan - Develop and implement a project's budget management plan - Assist clients in completing center screening, researcher selection, and patient recruitment as quickly as possible - regular researcher meeting organization and Held

    2. Auditing - In the course of clinical monitoring business, strictly carry out all audit-related work such as customer or our company's SOP - case report form verification, original data verification and data challenge form resolution - center screening, start-up, routine and


    Healthy food

    The service covers clinical studies of Phase I-IV drugs. The Medical Ruida clinical team has extensive clinical development experience, a large part of which is an international multi-center and registered clinical trial project in respiratory, digestive, tumor, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin, There are rich research experiences in more than 20 fields such as nutrition. Our auditors cover 100% of drug clinical trial facilities, distributed in more than 20 provinces and municipalities across the country, to provide you with convenient, high-quality project management and audit services.

    1. Project Management - Develop and implement a project management plan and risk management plan - Develop and implement a project's budget management plan - Assist clients in completing center screening, researcher selection, and patient recruitment as quickly as possible - regular researcher meeting organization and Held

    2. Auditing - In the course of clinical monitoring business, strictly carry out all audit-related work such as customer or our company's SOP - case report form verification, original data verification and data challenge form resolution - center screening, start-up, routine and

    Beijing Medical Ruida Pharmaceutical Consulting Co., Ltd. is a contract research organization specializing in clinical trials and registration of in vitro diagnostic reagents. The company is managed by senior industry professionals. The technical team is familiar with product development, clinical development, approval procedures and national supervision laws and regulations, and has a team of consultants and well-known medical experts. We have good cooperative relations with the government, scientific research institutions and clinical trial institutions.


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